Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Thoughts at the halfway point

As of yesterday, I have been in London for 30 days. I can't even believe it! I remember being terrified before I left, and this trip has ended up absolutely amazing so far just like everyone said it would. I didn't realize how attached I was getting to London until I found myself comparing other cities to this one.

I thought I grew up a lot coming to college, but I feel like this experience will make me even more independent and self-sufficient when I come back. I have been cooking for myself, navigating public transportation, working, doing everything you are supposed to do post-college. Some days I do miss having pre-made food handed to you by an RPS kiosk and not having to clean, but overall I love being able to take care of myself.

I have been surprised at the number of times I've had to defend the US. In class one day, for example, our professor made us watch a documentary about 9/11 and pretty much told us Americans were fools for trusting Bush after 9/11, and our class had to argue back that it was a really scary time and even though he ended up sucking, he was our president.

This trip has also made me think a lot about the future. I can't decide if I like the US or being abroad more, but I do know that I want to live and work in a big city where there's a lot of life. I love how there are so many things to do here! I also know that I have been bitten by the travel bug, and that's not going to go away any time soon. Visiting Paris and Rome just made me think about all of the other places in the world I want to see. If I could afford it, the summer after I graduate college I'd love to go backpacking across Europe and see it all. And hopefully I have either a job that lets me travel or a salary high enough to afford vacations!

That's all the reflections I have for now! I will try to get some photos up soon :)

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